Analytics Insight – July 2019

(Wang) #1

Delivering Industry’s

Leading Online Big Data

and Analytics Education


s the amount of data produced continues to increase and
businesses become reliant upon it to make decisions, the need
for data-driven jobs, and skilled workers to fill them is growing
exponentially. As the physical and digital worlds in business continue to
become more intertwined, the need for skilled data analysts and data
scientists will span across all industries. As employers try to fill the void
for these roles, a shortage of qualified workers will become the reality.
Many employees may be forced to dive head-first into these positions
to learn new data concepts. This will increase the demand for quality,
distance learning programs such as the one offered by Duke Continuing
Duke Continuing Studies offers a 12 months intensive Big Data and Data
Science online program combining both self-paced learning and live
virtual classroom instruction. The program delivers over 300 hours of
content designed by leading industry experts.

The Need for a Specialized Program in Big Data Analytics
Consumers have become more demanding in this day and age where
their needs can be purchased with a few clicks of the mouse. Customers
have more options now than ever, and businesses are being forced to
get creative with their marketing strategies and customer service in order
to acquire and keep the business they already have. Data collection and
analysis plays a large part in how this is achieved. Consumer data aside,
companies are using it to make more advanced, intelligent products,
increase the speed of their workflows, and automate processes. In
general, the need for skilled, data analysts is increasing.

Distinct Features of the Program
The Big Data and Data Science program is comprised of four mandatory






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