Farmer’s Weekly – 02 August 2019

(backadmin) #1

livestock Rotational Grazing

grazing management for more
than 15 years and have livestock,
including cattle, sheep and/or
goats where 75% of their diet
comprised natural vegetation. A
few farms stocked a diversity of
game in very low numbers (on
average 2% of total farm LSUs).
Fourteen of the farms were
selected as representing grazing
management most strongly
aligned to HPG or with very
high grazing densities (highly
rotational). The rationale behind
this was that these farms were
likely to have more extreme

How was tHe study


Forty-eight working livestock

farms were surveyed nationally

to identify farmers practising

a range of livestock farming

approaches, from continuous

and low density, to holistic

planned grazing (HPG) and

ultra-high-density grazing.

The farms covered more than

1 300km² across five biomes and

a rainfall gradient of between

150mm/year and 850mm/ year.

Having identified 23 farms with

high-density grazing and fence

lines with neighbours having
similar fire regimes, we tested
the perception that intensive
grazing sustains higher animal
numbers, while increasing
grass cover and reducing
bare ground and woody plant
cover, using remotely sensed
(satellite) vegetation indices and
on-the-ground inspections.
The available fence lines were
clustered around the transition
between the Grassland and Nama
Karoo biomes. An important
selection criterion was that farms
were managed under a particular

Dr Heidi-Jayne Hawkins, head of research at Conservation South Africa and an associate at the

Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Cape Town, spoke to Roelof Bezuidenhout

about research findings indicating that rotational grazing management has little effect on veld

characteristics across the farm fence lines of South Africa.

Veld survey raises questions

about rotational grazing

Results from 48
farms across South
Africa revealed that
farm stocking rates
were relatively
higher than those
by agricultural
extension services.
However, evidence
produced by the
study implied that
the relatively high
stocking rates
were within the
carrying capacity
of farms studied.
FW Archive

36 farmer’sweekly 2 august 2019

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