participants of the Healthy
Lifestyle For All Youth
Ideas Labs, at the DG EAC
headquarters in Brussels.
The event was a working
meeting of youth delegates,
nominated by 5 invited
organisations, and represents a
follow-up of the launch of the
Youth Ideas Labs during the EU
Sport Forum in Lille in June. The
main outcomes of these Youth
Labs were presented at the kick
off of the European Week of
Sport in Prague this September.
The events in Brussels started
with outdoors welcome,
introduction and networking
sessions on Sunday in Park
Leopold, recapping the work
carried out in Lille, and giving
a chance to get to know the
new participants. Participants
then also enjoyed a #BeActive
teambuilding activity, in the
form of a treasure hunt in
Brussels city centre.
The program also included
introductions and welcomes
by the representatives of the
Sport Unit of the European
Commission, with the Head of
the Sport Unit Ms Floor Van
Houdt, Deputy Head Ms Marisa
Fernandez Esteban, and Policy
Officers Mr Tomas Kukal – the
coordinator of the Youth Ideas
Labs, Mr Ignazio Cocchiere and
Mr Stefano Pintus.
During the Youth Labs the
participants were also
introduced to the Blue Book
traineeship programme of the
EU, as well as jobs and other
career opportunities within
the EU institutions, especially
the European Commission,
European Parliament, and the
European Council.
Apart of getting useful
information, the participants
worked intensively on the
topics of their proposals how to
address the overall topic, and
suggest actions to improve the
field of Healthy Lifestyle for All,
through the subtopics of mental
health, digital health, inclusion
(specifically of transgender
youth), skills-development
and volunteering, as well as
taking into account transversal
approach of sustainability and
the environment, evidence-base
and research, accessibility and
barriers, and linking it also to
formal education.
EUSA was represented at
the event by the following
nominated youth participants:
Ms Flobena Nikolli (ALB), Ms
Marianna Pikul (POL), Ms Filipa
Godinho (POR), Ms Sara Gaspar
(HUN), Mr Mariano Carcatella
(ITA/SLO), Mr Federico Palumbo
(ITA) and in cooperation with the
European Gay & Lesbian Sport
Federation (EGLSF) also by Ms
Carolina de Sousa a Sa (POR/
GBR) and Mr Leonardo Mikac
(CRO); and by Mr Andrej Pisl
(SLO) as one of the facilitators.
The Healthy Lifestyle
For All initiative was also
included in the opening
of the European Week of
Sport, in Prague, through the
HealthyLifestyle4All Seminar,
on which special workshops
related to it were held and
special attention was given to
the #HealthyLifestyle4All Youth
Ideas Labs results, where the
voices of youth participants
were put forward.
The #HealthyLifestyle4All
initiative and the related Youth
Ideas Labs is a 2-year initiative
of the Commission, launched
in 2021 during the kick-off of
the European Week of Sport by
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel,
responsible for European Union
policies related to Horizon
Europe, research and innovation,
the Erasmus+ programme,
education, culture and sport.
The Youth Ideas Labs events
in 2022 also correspond and
contribute to the European Year
of Youth.
The European University Sports
Association (EUSA) is one of
the first pledge signatories,
and is – in cooperation with the
EUSA Institute, EUSA members
and partners – promoting the
importance and benefits of
healthy lifestyle, including
physical activity and sport,
health and well-being, food and
nutrition through promotion
and campaign via our channels,
targeting our members and
partners, participants of our
sports and educational events,
as well as the general public.
for more information