European University Sports Association along with its Institute, is taking
part in the “Future Volunteers – Key to Success in Generation Z: K2S-
GENZ project focuing on volunteersing and skills developement.
The project studies the
requirements in the field of
volunteering, especially taking
the characteristics and needs
of Generation Z, gathering
feedbacks from stakeholders
and produce strategically
thoughtful professional
The main goal of the Future
Volunteers – GEN Z project
is to create an opportunity
for students interested in
sports and the organization of
sport events, so they can be
part of a lifelong adventure,
learn about the values of
university sports and gain
valuable work experience
through volunteering, thereby
strengthening the employability
of young people. By overcoming
prejudices, we wish to restore
the value of volunteering,
putting the selection, training,
and involvement of volunteers
on new foundations.
Through this project a selection
of volunteers was made, that
had their training and experience
through participating into two
big sport events.
At the kick-off meeting,
held on April 5, Ms Enniko
Bereczki, generational
researcher and expert on
Generation, Z presented
the main characteristics of
Generation Z, how to attract
them, involvement initiatives
and presented some other key
elements for successful work
with this target population.
The University of Miskolc
hosted the MEFOB Festival on
May 19-22, where the team
of volunteers of the multi-
sport event also included 10
volunteers from the project
“Future volunteers – Key to
success is Generation Z (K2S-
GenZ)”. During the 4 days of
the MEFOB Festival, the project
volunteers were able to test
themselves in several areas,
completing a total of 264
working hours while working
in field of sports, info desk,
accreditation, accommodation,
meals, attaché, communication,
and protocol. With their
responsible and enthusiastic
attitude, the volunteers
contributed to the success of
the event while the organizers
also publicly acknowledged their
outstanding contribution.
As part of the K2S-GenZ project,
project partners delegated
the 10 involved volunteers to
the EUG 2022. The involved
students performed their duties
as members of the official
volunteer team of the event,
each of them participated in the
event for different periods of
time, completing 5-10 working
days and a total of 355 working
hours. In addition to having to
stand up in an international
environment and get to know
the unique atmosphere of EUG
and the European university
sport, they performed
responsible tasks in the areas
of accreditation, transfer and
information, accommodation
and catering, protocol and
educational events, media,
sports, result management
and venue management. The
volunteers were assisted
by a mentor throughout the
organization of the trip and their
stay in Poland.
As the next step of the project,
the project members will
proceed questionnaires and
interviews to evaluate the
experiences of the domestic and
international event, the purpose
of which is the compilation
of a methodology and plan
of a future project in field of
volunteer management.
The small-scale cooperation
partnership project involves
three organisations from two
countries – Sports Club of
Miskolc University (MEAFC) and
Hungarian University Sports
Federation (HUSF/MEFS) from
Hungary and the EUSA Institute
from Slovenia. The project is
co-funded by the Erasmus+
Programme of the European
for more information