The goal of the project Work for a Cause, Serve for Sport (W4C-S4S) is to educate
and equip volunteers for participating in the organisation of national and international
sporting events, also to equip volunteers for assisting people with disabilities in
sporting events thus fostering social inclusion, equal opportunities in sport.
In 2022, various activities
in assembly of the project,
took place, promoting mainly
First activity was done in in
Almussafes, Spain, on March 3-4.
During this meeting, participants
discussed the results of a survey
launched in November last year
and reviewed good practice
examples, gathered by the
partner organisations, as well
as shared ideas and exchanged
views on creating an online
course that will help prepare
future volunteers for various
sporting events. They also had
the chance to be informed about
practice initiative in para tennis
competitions and visit sport
facilities provided for the people
of the municipality and also to
learn about the city itself.
The City of Zagreb as the
coordinator of the project Work
for a cause, serve for sport
(W4C) organised on June 4 and
5 in Zagreb, a project activity,
promoting volunteering, held at
the Cultural Information Center
of Zagreb. The volunteers
and organizers were able to
hear more details in various
areas related to volunteering
in sports over the two days
of the programme. About 60
volunteers and representatives
of the organizers attended
workshops divided into three
modules entitled: Sports
events – logistical support,
Sports assistants for people
with disabilities and Volunteer
On June 19, Slovenian partners
of the Work for a Cause, Serve
for Sport (W4C) project met
in Novo mesto, to promote the
project and volunteering in
general. Representatives of the
EUSA Institute (EUSA) and the
Association for development
of Voluntary Work Novo Mesto
(DRPDNM) attended a Beach
Volleyball festival in the city,
organised as a one-day event
with workshops, demonstration
of volleyball and plenty of
activities to play and have fun,
by TPV Volley Novo Mesto,
supported by the Volleyball
Federation of Slovenia, as well
as the European Volleyball
Confederation (CEV).
On 23 of November, in Ljubljana,
EUSA together with the
Association for development
of Voluntary Work Novo Mesto
(DRPDNM) held a Seminar on
Volunteering in Sport. Various
guests, representing different
organisations, events and
causes related to volunteering
in sport were speaking and
attending the event.
This event was hosted by the
Municipality of Ljubljana, having
Mr Dejan Crnek, Deputy Mayor
of the City of Ljubljana, for the
opening words, highlighting the
importance and the diversity that
volunteering offers, stating that
the city of Ljubljana is promoting
and supporting volunteering in
sport, for a long period of time.
The final conference of
this project on the topic of
volunteering, was held in the
Croatian capital on 2-3 of
December, 2022, consisted
of the final meeting and
the multiplier sport event.
This project was wrapped
up with presentations of
implemented results in each
partner’s country, discussion
about any difficulties that the
project partners have come
across in the implementation
process,exchanging multiple
examples of good practices
and short presentation of Sport
Volunteers Guidelines. At the
multiplier sport event, the
partners and spectators had
the chance to enjoy basketball
tournament, demonstration of
sitting volleyball, demonstration
of sports activities of elderly
people and a Competition in
3-point shooting.
The project coordinator is the
City of Zagreb with five project
partners: the Municipality of
Almussafes (ESP), Society for
the Development of Voluntary
Work Novo Mesto (SLO),
Institute for Social Innovation
and Cohesion (GRE), GEA –
Social Cooperative Society (ITA)
and the EUSA Institute (SLO).
The project is co-funded by
Erasmus+ Programme of the
European Union.
for more information
Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union