The Innovating Football Leadership through Practice and Policy project seeks
to assess recent research in the representation of women and ethnic minorities
(WEM) in leadership positions in football to develop responsive inclusive
leadership governance action plan at National and European levels.
The three-year project started
in 2020, aiming to enhance
leadership skills of women and
ethnic minorities in football
by creating and piloting a
set of inclusive professional
development training materials,
transferable and adaptable for
sport organisations.
During online meetings,
partners discussed the training
pack together and debated on
what specific topics should
be included in the material
produced, as well as the
way how the material will be
presented according to the
different target groups.
In 2022, within the project
activities, the educational
tools – roadmap and training
kit in form of an online MOOC,
are being designed and will be
finalised. This MOOC is a guide
to diversifying and transforming
football leadership which
showcases an overview of
modules, with a specific theme
and order, in which there are
videos incorporated giving
examples, best practices and
guidelines on different topics
related to football leadership
and exclusion of ethnic minority
people from football culture.
This guide is aiming to help
ethnic minority men, women
and organizations who want
to develop their work within
A special call was also launched
for participants, working in
the field of equality in sport
(especially football), having
workshops that will focus on
how to better support women
and ethnic minorities in sport.
Two European Leadership
Workshops are planned to
be carried out as part of the
project and will be held in the
Netherlands and Slovenia
between January and March
- These workshops will
be the opportunity where the
participants will start developing
their personal or organizational
development plan and having
feedback from experts that will
be present on both workshops.
The foreseen idea is for the
participants to start creating
their development plans in the
Netherlands, have a follow up
work in the two-month gap
between the workshops and to
come back and present their
final plan in Slovenia.
At these workshops the
attendees will be able to hear
more on the topic of leadership,
network building, developing
strategy, joining boards, building
personal brands and other
requested topics in their fields of
Partners of the Erasmus+
project Innovating Football
Leadership through Practice and
Policy (iFLIPP) gathered on 7th of
September in Rotterdam, for a
meeting hosted by the Erasmus
University Rotterdam reviewing
the progress of the project
and setting the next steps in
supporting women and ethnic
minorities in football and sport
in general, as well as discussing
in detail the planned workshops
and the dissemination activities
related to the Tool Kit and the
The project is led by the
Fare Network (NED), with six
partner organisations including
Integrated Dreams (POR),
Erasmus University Rotterdam
(NED), Portugal Football
Association (POR), Malta
Football Association (MAL)
and the EUSA Institute (SLO),
with the support of Europe’s
football governing UEFA as well.
The partners welcomed a new
project partner Hawar help,
who replaced Discover Football
(GER). The project is co-funded
by Erasmus+ Programme of the
European Union.
for more information
Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union