encourage them to also reduce
their carbon footprint.
MOU with South Pacific
Tourism Organisation
In August, FISU Oceania
signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with the South
Pacific Tourism Organisation
to further promote the region
to the wider university sport
global community. In addition,
the MOU aims to bring more
FISU university sporting events
to the region. Sports tourism
is important to nations in the
Pacific and FISU Oceania is
looking forward to discussions
with major tourism bodies to
determine what FISU events
may be hosted in the future.
National University
Sport Championships
2022 saw a return of sport to
university campuses across the
Oceania region. Students were
excited to once again represent
their university in their chosen
sport and re connect with friends
from other tertiary institutions.
The return to campus
saw key university games,
championships and intervarsity
events held in Australia, Fiji,
Guam, New Zealand, Northern
Mariana Islands and Papua
New Guinea with over 10,000
students participating in
the competitions on offer.
The following universities
were awarded as the overall
champions for university sport
in their countries:
- The University of Sydney
(Australia) - The University of Auckland –
Waipap Taumata Tau (New
Zealand) - University of the South Pacific
3x3 University World Cup
Qualifying Tournament
The Oceania region is
geographically challenged
when it comes to travelling
to sporting events and with
some international borders
not opening until the second
part of the year, FISU Oceania
held it’s 3x3 University World
Cup Qualifying Tournament in
a virtual setting. Each country
was asked to video the medal
matches of their 3x3 national
championships and submit
recordings. A panel of expert
judges then analysed game play,
teamwork and results to select
a men’s and women’s team to
attend the University World
Cup and represent the Oceania
This process was certainly a
unique event however with
international borders closed,
it was not possible to hold an
in person qualifying event. The
expert panel of judges included
a national basketball coach,
international 3x3 basketball
coach and Olympic 3x3 referee.
Macquarie University (AUS)
men’s team and Lincoln
University (NZL) women’s
team were selected to attend
the World Cup with Waikato
University (men) receiving a wild
card entry into the event.
Results at the 3x3 University
World Cup were the best
in Oceania’s history with
Macquarie University winning
silver in the men’s competition,
Lincoln University coming 5th
and Waikato University finishing
9 th.
Football University World
Cup Qualifying Tournament
The Oceania qualifying
tournament for the Football
University World Cup was
held in November with the
men’s final between Western
Sydney University (AUS) and
The University of Auckland
(NZL). The women’s final was
between The University of
Sydney (AUS) and University of
Canterbury (NZL). The winners
will represent Oceania and
look forward to repeating the
excellent results achieved by
Oceania teams at the last World
Cup edition.
International day of
University Sport
International Day of University
Sport continues to be a key
focus in the region with
nine countries organising
activities at either a national or
university level. FISU Oceania
celebrated the event with a
virtual walk around the region.
#LetsWalkOceania focused
on getting people active and
all involved were #oneteam
working towards #onegoal.
This event attracted, 96
participants from 10 countries
and collectively 13,685km /
8,503 miles were covered with
eight countries reached along
the virtual route. We are looking
forward to a bigger and better
event in 2023.
Healthy Campus
The network of universities
continues to expand in the FISU
Healthy Campus program with
seven universities from the
Oceania region now part of the
program. These universities
continue to strive to reach the
next level and lead by UniSport
Australia, have established
a network to share ideas,
challenges and best practice
across campuses.
Other key highlights for the year
include the launch of a new look
website, improved social media
presence, recognition of key
women in university sport as
part of International Women’s
Day, four students from the
region attended the FISU
Volunteer Leaders Academy and
two students attended the FISU
Forum in Costa Rica.
Looking forward to 2023.
As our Federation moves into
2023, the key focus will be to
ensure we are working to meet
our strategic objectives and to
support our National University
Sport Federations. It is also
planned to host our first face to
face 3x3 University World Cup
qualifying tournament as well as
growing our #LetsWalkOceania
celebrations for International
Day of University Sport.
2023 will also be a year that
FISU Oceania will hold its next
General Assembly. This is an
elected General Assembly
where members will elect a new
Executive Committee to lead the
Federation into the next strategic
phase and mandate period.
for more information