The European Athlete as Student (EAS) network was founded in 2004 with support
of the EU Commission during The European Year of Education Through Sport
(EYES). It is for universities, sports schools and other educational establishments
interested in high performance sport as well as sports clubs and federations which
are willing to help their athletes in their studies. The main aim of the EAS network is
to support European athletes in combining high performance sport and education.
The annual Conference and
Assembly of the European
Athlete as Student (EAS) –
Dual Career Network, held in
the historic city of Cartagena,
Spain, took place between
September 28 and 30, 2022.
The event consisted of two main
parts – the EAS Conference,
held under the main topic A
Holistic Approach to the Dual
Career of the Student Athlete;
and the EAS electoral General
This conference was attended
by EAS members and
partners, among them also the
International University Sports
Federation (FISU), International
School Sport Federation (ISF),
Badminton World Federation
(BWF), European University
Sports Association (EUSA),
Union of European Football
Associations (UEFA), European
Fair Play Movement (EFPM).
The event represents one of
the most important events
related to the dual career of
the student athlete in Europe,
being a meeting point for
international experts to discuss
and share initiatives, policies and
projects aimed at promoting the
compatibility of academic and
sporting careers.
Welcome addresses of
key European institutions’
representatives were also
given to the participants via
online contribution by European
Commission’s representatives
Ms Floor van Houdt – Head of
Unit for Sport, DG Education,
Youth, Sport and Culture and
Mr David Kunst – Policy Officer
for Evidence & Analysis, DG
Employment, Social Affairs and
Inclusion; as well as in-person
by Ms Francine Hetherington
Raveney – Deputy Executive
Secretary of the Enlarged
Partial Agreement on Sport
(EPAS) at the Council of Europe.
Activities in the field of dual
career and good practice
examples were presented by
several organizations, including
EUSA Communications and
Projects Manager Mr Andrej
Pisl sharing key activities of the
organization, and highlighting
the actual and recent projects
where EUSA is represented and
engaged through its Institute.
Besides the organizations’
regular activities in sports
and educational events, the
traveling exhibition on university
sport and celebration and
promotion of the International
Day of University Sport and the
European Week of Sport were
highlighted as the ongoing long-
term initiatives in the field of
dual career.
Special attention was also
given on projects, co-funded by
the European Union through
the Erasmus+ Programme of
the European Union. The EAS
event was also an opportunity
for representatives of some of
the projects to meet; namely
the MLEA and BRAVA projects
met for informal exchange and
EAS and the hosts of the
event – Catholic University of
Murcia (UCAM), also organized
an interesting round table on
student-athletes, Paralympics
and main stakeholders in the
Dual Career.
The EAS also held their
annual General Assembly in
Cartagena. Main activities
and achievements of the
organization were presented
to the members’ delegates
and invited guests, as well as
financial results. The delegates
also elected the board for the
new 4-year mandate, keeping
the current composition. EUSA
remains a strong supporter of
dual career, and a partner of
EAS both on strategic, as well
as project level.
for more information