Pitesti (ROU), as it happened
in the women’s game for third
place, with the result of 21 : 4.
In women’s category Veronika
Kosmach from Vasyl Stefanyk
Precarpathian National
University (UKR) was given
the title of MVP, while the top
scorer title belonged to Miriam
Uro-nilie, from the same
Men’s most valuable player
was Justinas Ramanauskas
from Vytautas Magnus
University (LTU). The player
Petar Dubelj from University of
Dubrovnik was the top scorer
in this competition.
Fair play awards in both men
and women’s competition were
given. In men’s competition
the fair play award was earned
by Hungarian University of
Sports Science (HUN), while in
women’s competition went into
the hands of Vasyl Stefanyk
Precarpathian National
University (UKR).
Besides the team tournaments,
side tournaments were also
held which included the
men’s Slum Dunk Contest.
The winner of the Slam Dunk
Contest for male students was
Nick Boakye from University of
Goettingen (GER).
The winners of first and second
place of both men’s and
women’s competition, qualified
for the FISU University World
Cup in 3x3 Basketball, that
took place in Istanbul, in late
EUSA and the city of Debrecen
in Hungary are excited to
organise the upcoming European
Universities Championship in
3x3 basketball in 2023.
- Vytautas Magnus University LT U
- Vilnius University LT U
- University of Vienna AUT
- University of Pitesti ROU
- University of Dubrovnik CRO
- Riga Stradins University L AT
- University of the Littoral Opal Coast FRA
- Opole University of Technology POL
- University of Malaga ESP
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics HUN
- University of Aveiro POR
- Loughborough University GBR
- University Palacky Olomouc CZE
- Solent University GBR
- University of Goettingen GER
- University of Le Havre FRA
- Norwegian School of Sport Sciences NOR
- Hungarian University of Sports Science HUN
- University of Ljubljana SLO
- College of Applied Sciences Lavoslav Ruzicka in Vukovar CRO
- Corvinus University of Budapest HUN
- Kadir Has University TUR
- Medical University of Lodz POL
- University North CRO
- Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University UKR
- University of Ljubljana SLO
- University of Vienna AUT
- University of Pitesti ROU
- Riga Stradins University L AT
- Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun POL
- University of Malaga ESP
- University of Zagreb CRO
- University of Goettingen GER
- Hungarian University of Sports Science HUN
- University of Split CRO
- University of Miskolc HUN
- Medical University of Lodz POL
- Charles University CZE
- Szechenyi Istvan University HUN
- University of Porto POR
- Kadir Has University TUR
- Norwegian School of Economics NOR