Dear Friends,
With great pleasure we welcome you to the pages
of our yearly magazine.
University sport entered into 2022 with many
fears and challenges. The COVID-19 virus
was not defeated yet. The pandemic safety
measurements were still used by several
governments, in different scales in different
Continents. However, at the beginning of the year,
perspectives of Europe looked optimistic since
most of European countries, including Poland –
the host country of the VI edition of the European
Universities Games, suspended all COVID-
pandemic restrictions. In such circumstances
EUSA, Lodz EUG OC and Polish NUSA – AZS
entered in last phase of the preparations to the
Games. With great hope, but not having guarantee
that situation could not change. We can also not
ignore the aggression and war on the European
continent which unfortunately has not been
peacefully resolved yet.
And then came July, July in magenta colour.
4459 participants from 37 countries, representing
417 Universities competed for 14 days in 20
sport disciplines, enjoying their presence and
performances, being also able to experience
educational, cultural and social activities, with
outstanding organization and hospitality provided
by Poland. For many it was the best time at the
sport event in their life. I’m one of them.
There were many devoted people behind the
great success of the Games. I’m unable to list all
of them, but allow me to thank a few of them,
knowing that the words of appreciation of EUSA
community are addressed to all individuals and
institutions which made the Games possible:
Rector of the Lodz University of Technology prof.
Krzysztof Jóżwik, President of AZS prof. Alojzy
Nowak, AZS Secretary General Dariusz Piekut
and the youngest in the history of Games director
Dominik Leżański. Big thanks also goes to the
entire EUSA family – starting from members,
EC representatives, technical delegates,
commission members, staff, as well as partners
and numerous volunteers. Institutional support
by the hosting University, AZS and the City was
complemented by the support of the Erasmus+
programme of the European Union, as well as
several national, regional and local institutions,
organisations and bodies.
LODZ, We Can. LODZ, We Made It!
Very early on, EUSA condemned the aggression of
the Russian Federation aggression in Ukraine and
expressed its solidarity to Ukrainian NUSA and
entire society. Together with our members and
partners, a dedicated Solidarity Fund was created,
with vast support of LODZ EUG OC and AZS. This
allowed more than 200 student athletes from
Ukraine to take part in the Games.
In April, EUSA Executive Committee met in Italy,
and solemnly attributed the European Universities
Games 2026 to Salerno. Grazie Italia, Grazie
Apart of the events in Poland and Italy, there was
one specifically active country – Turkey, rebranded
as Türkiye. With the support of the Turkish
University Sport Federation, the country hosted
EUC Rowing in Istanbul, FISU University World
Cup Combat Sports in Samsun, EUSA EC meeting
in Istanbul, and FISU University World Cup 3x3 in
Istanbul. Big thanks and compliments, and we are
looking forward to see you keeping moving forward!
Thanks to the partnerships and our previous
experiences, EUSA and its Institute were again
recognised by the European Commission with the
support of projects and initiatives through several
EU funding mechanisms. Apart of continuing work
in several projects, new projects were confirmed.
Let me highlight one, with EUSA Institute
leading the Enhancing sport organisations and
management (ESOM) project, closely working with
our members and partners. We are very proud and
honoured by the acknowledgment of our work and
trust put in us at a European level.
Continuous support is provided by the
International University Sport Federation – FISU,
and I am very thankful to Acting President Leonz
Eder and entire Executive Committee for the
support and their faith in us.
I invite you to keep contributing to the
development of university sport on local, national
and international level, and keep in touch with us
throughout the year.
I hope to see you soon and welcome to visit one of
the Championships which will be organized in 2023!
Adam Roczek,
EUSA President