7 Arts Gallery 99
Adwerks 48
Albuquerque Art Showcase 90
Alexandra Stevens
Gallery of Fine Art 17
Anderson, Kathy Q. 51
Art Center of Estes Park, The 27
Art Exchange Gallery 100
Art of New Mexico,
Special Section 97-100
Astoria Fine Art 6-7
Atkinson, Steve 51
Aurora Gallery 103
Baker, Suzie 8
Barbara Meikle Fine Art 2
Baum, Michael 3
Beck, Phil 51
Beeler-Sturgill, Ruth Ann 51
Been, Joshua 8
Benson-Schlax, Nanette E. 108
Berry, Martha 89
Black, Elizabeth 8
Blakey, Victor 51
Blue Rain Gallery 16
Bohling, Amery 8
Borrego Art Institute 106
Boyer, Lyn 8
Brin, Kristin 93
Bristlecone Gallery 25
Brown, Krystal W. 107
Brown, Roger Dale 28
Brown, Sheridan 19
Budge, Linda 107
Budish, Jim 19
Byrd, Gary 51
Call of Africa Gallery 105
Cameron, Mikela 43
Capital Gallery 103
Carey, Cathy 19
Center for the Arts Evergreen 92
Chadwick, Gloria 102
Chasing Hawk, Nelson 48
Cherokee Art Market 89
Choate, Judy 19
Chris Turri Art 4
Cline, Jennifer 27
Coeur d’Alene Galleries 14
Cogan, John 8
Cogburn, Randall 46
Condradt, Michelle 8
Conrad, Bonnie 29
Cotton, Brent 5
Croce, Madina 99
DAFA Gallery 100
David Ericson Fine Art 25
Davila, Jess 19
Davis, Nancy J. 12
Denman, Andrew 6
Dennis Heckler Fine Art 48
deQuevedo, Phyllis Mantik 111
Devereaux, Paula 12
Diederich, Ellen Jean 103
Drake, Margaret 109
Dwyer, Patty 27
Dye, Greg 19
Earthworks Gallery 103
Eberhard, Mark 5
Eiteljorg Museum of American
Indians & Western Art 13
Escalante Canyon Arts Festival 89
Ethelbah, Gwen 104
Eva Reynolds Fine Art 93
Fairweather House & Garden 103
Fechenbach, Diane 27
Felix, Sushe 19
Fitzpatrick, Robbie 95
Forest Edge Gallery 103
Franklin, Nance 102
Frattali, Karen 105
Funderburk, Brent 96
Gallery By The Bay 48
Gallery Mar 18
Genesis Gallery 105
Ghost Art Gallery 103
Giacobbe-Fritz Fine Art IFC
Givinity Press 103
Grand Canyon Association
Celebration of Art 8
Griffi n, J. Waid 98
Gusterson, Leigh 99
Gutting, Abigail 14
Haher, Jane 9
Hallmark, George 13
Hayes, Arlene LaDell 17
Heckler, Dennis 48
Heward, Steven 25
Hewitt, John 92
Hook, William Cather 21
Howe, Svetlana 27
Hueys Fine Art 5, 105
Huston, Ann 100
Illume Gallery of Fine Art 106
Immel, Peggy 51
Immel, Steve 51
Jane Haher Fine Art 9
Jeff Tabor Fine Art Gallery 100
Jenemann, Ann 12
Judy, Peggy 19
Julian Art Gallery 106
Kalinowski, Kathleen 102
Kammerzell, David IFC
Karen Wray Gallery 98
Kate Kilpatrick-Miller Fine Art 26
Keating, Kathleen J. 100
Kilpatrick-Miller, Kate 26
Kratz, Laura 49
La Mesa Gallery 50
Lanzoni, Kathleen 27
Larson, Ron 23
Latham, Rebecca 92
Levin, June 111
Light Mountain Gallery 99
Lindsey, Carolyn 98
Lindwood, Gretha 103
Lundeen, Carol 104
MacLeod, Lee 12, 27
Manitou Galleries 3
March in Montana 14
Marta Stafford Fine Art 98, 107
Masterpiece Gallery 98
McKeown, Deanne 109
McMahon, Kathryn A. 109
McNair, Loretta 104
McVey, Lee 50
Meckel, Charlie IFC
Meikle, Barbara 2
Memmott, Aaron 18
Mendocino Art Center 92
Meyer Gallery 21
Mikela Cameron Fine Art 43
Monsarrat, Mark 27
Moore, Jay 7
Nakari, Judy 96
Native Visions Gallery 105
Nearon, Linda 110
Neumann, Susan Temple 106
Nieto, John BC
Ninth Avenue Gallery & Studio 96
North Seas Gallery 102
Oakes, Jon IBC
O’Keefe, Melanie 105
Paden, Theresa 19
Parkhurst Art Galleries 104
Paxson, Edgar 14
Peninsula Museum of Art 111
Phippen Art Museum 51
Plainsmen Gallery 105
Prather, Richard 98
Pruden, Nancy Paris 107
Rambadt, Don 6
Rikansrud, Bettie 106
River Gallery 48
River Valley Studio Store 28
Robertson, Cecilia 12
Ron Larson Fine Art 23
Rosen, Cynthia 102
Rundle, Marguerite Alanah 110
Salazar, Tom IBC
Santiago, Roseta 16
Savanna Gallery 107
ScotteVest 45
Seerey-Lester, Suzie 105
Sexton, Cynthia 96
Sharma, Sandhya 27
Shaw, A.D. 41
Shway, K. 12
Signature Gallery, The 102
Silvia, Nancy 99
Snead, Sandi 89
Sorrel Sky Gallery 1
Southam Gallery 41
Spash 20, Special Section 94-96
Stade, Thomas M 95
Starline Printing 47
Stefan, Ross 14
Stratton, Thalia 111
Studio 8369 49
Synchronicity Gallery 102
Tabo r, J ef f 1 0 0
Tagg Art 93
Taggart, Kim 93
Tai, Wei 51
Tan, Annette 108
Tapp, Barbara 95
Taylor-Gore, Victoria 17
Trailside Galleries 105
Trigg, Peggy 50
Turner, Kathi 108
Turri, Chris 4
Uline Inc. 93
Underbrush Gallery 103
Ventana Fine Art BC
Voje, Patty 107
Webber, Sarah 19
Weems Galleries IBC
Weems, Mary Ann IBC
Weyrich Gallery 50
White Bird Gallery 103
Wilde Meyer Gallery 19
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art 50, 51
Williams, Marcia 12
Willow Gallery 110
Windance Fine Art 29
Winters, Pamela 110
Wirthlin, Lynne 106
Women in Art,
Special Section 101-111
Worgul, Kathleen R. 106
Wyatt, Ed IBC
York, Star Liana 1
Zirkle, Carol 103
Xanadu Art Catalogue 105
Advertiser Index