Southwest Art – August 2019

(Joyce) #1

ner of the West. The approach resonates
with collectors and has earned her such
honors as being selected as the featured
poster artist at this year’s highly re-
garded Cherry Creek Arts Festival, held
in Denver in early July.
After spending 22 years in the moun-
tain town of Angel Fire—and doing
many more art shows—Cavan and her
husband, Rees Lawrence, have settled
just outside of Santa Fe. From there she

convey the timeless essence of her ad-
opted home, expressing her feelings
about New Mexico in vivid colors and
intentionally simplified forms. The
57-year-old painter describes her aim as
“presenting, rather than representing” what
she experiences as she wanders along
back roads with camera and sketchbook
in hand; hers is a contemporary take on
the ancient landscape and traditional
architecture found in her favorite cor-

Leslie Flynt, Santa Fe, NM; Luca Decor,
Santa Fe, NM;

upcoming shows
Crested Butte Arts Festival, Crested
Butte, CO, August 2-4.
Stanley Arts Festival, Aurora, CO,
September 7-8.
Plaza Art Fair, Kansas City, MO,
September 20-22.
Rio Grande Arts & Crafts Festival,
Albuquerque, NM, October 4-6 and 11-13.
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