The Economist USA - 10.08.2019

(ff) #1
The EconomistAugust 10th 2019 35



n rwanda it’snot easy to get a job,”
says Jean-Paul Bahati, a student at Kep-
ler, a college founded in Kigali in 2013. But
the 22-year-old believes his course will
help him stand out. He studies health-care
management, a growing industry in Rwan-
da. Kepler’s degrees are accredited by
Southern New Hampshire University
(snhu), which runs one of the largest on-
line universities in America. The first six
months are a crash course in skills such as
critical thinking, English, communication
and it. “I like that Kepler knows what em-
ployers want,” says Mr Bahati.
In recent decades millions of young
people like Mr Bahati have swelled the
number of students in sub-Saharan Africa.
Today 8m are in tertiary education, a term
that includes vocational colleges and uni-
versities. That is about 9% of young peo-
ple—more than double the share in 2000
(4%), but far lower than in other regions
(see chart). In South Asia the share is 25%,
in Latin America and the Caribbean, 51%.
Both the number and share of young
people in tertiary education in sub-Saha-
ran Africa will keep growing. The region
has about 90m people aged 20-24, a figure
projected to double over the next 30 years.

Whereas 42% of that age group had com-
pleted secondary school in 2012, 59% are
forecast to do so by 2030. If African coun-
tries are to meet the aspirations of educat-
ed young people, they must ensure there
are opportunities for further study.
So far they have struggled. State-run in-
stitutions that trained the post-colonial
elites are finding it hard to serve a mass
market. In much of the region public fund-
ing per student has fallen since the late
1990s as enrolment has surged.
This reflects competing priorities. In
the poorest African countries it costs 27
times more to fund a university place than
one at primary school. Since students typi-
cally come from affluent families, univer-
sity spending subsidises the children of
elites. In Ghana, the higher-education
spending that goes to the richest tenth of
households is 135 times that spent on the
poorest tenth. Policymakers find them-
selves deciding whether to spend scarce re-
sources on helping poor children attend
school or rich children go to university.
The effects of spreading public funding
thinly are apparent on campuses. African
universities have 50% more students per
professor than the global average. Students

are more likely to study humanities de-
grees than science ones, which are more
expensive to teach. Over 70% of graduates
have arts degrees, versus 53% in Asia.
More young people are heading abroad
instead. In 2017 some 374,000 studied over-
seas, up from 156,000 two decades earlier.
Many never return. One in nine Africans
with a tertiary qualification lives in an
oecdcountry, compared with one in 13 Lat-
in Americans and one in 30 Asians.
With the public sector struggling to
meet demand for places and to offer a high-
quality education, the private sector is fill-
ing the gap. From 1990 to 2014 the number
of public universities in sub-Saharan Afri-
ca rose from 100 to 500, while private uni-
versities grew from 30 to more than 1,000.
Many are small. In Kigali, the University of
Rwanda has 30,000 students, while private
ones have a few hundred each. But they are
enrolling a growing proportion of stu-
dents, notes Daniel Levy of the University
of Albany. In 2000 about 10% of African
students went to private institutions; by
2015 the share was 20%. In Rwanda more
than half do so.
Students at private universities often
benefit from new ways of teaching. Consid-
er Ashesi, which has grown steadily since
its founding in 2002 in Accra. Much of Gha-
naian higher education is based on rote
learning, observes Patrick Awuah, its foun-
der and a former Microsoft engineer, and
was not “teaching students to think criti-
cally”. He based Asheshi on American liber-
al-arts colleges, where students combine
humanities and sciences.
Vocational outfits can innovate, too.

Tertiary education in Africa

A higher challenge

New initiatives hint at how Africa’s universities can respond to its youth boom

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