Vanity Fair UK - 09.2019

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  1. ayu Houseis anemergingBar celona br an d t hat’sinspired by
    an d m adefor th riving women.its limi ted e di ti on collectio ns ar e
    handcrafted i ns pain. Theyare sleek,divine, an d s uitable for
    an yoccasion. Be it acasualbrunchda te or an elegan tday
    outatroy al as cot. shop thelatest iconiccollection at
    ayuhouse.comand follo w on iG & fB@ayuhousejewelry

  2. PoLar JeWeLryis a sustainab le dani sh jewellery br an d
    that de signs striking jewellery pieces within cura ted
    collectio ns.foundedby aprodu ct designer an d f ineartist,
    polar’sdesigns ar eauniquemix of free-flowingartistryand
    functi onality. shop atpolarjewelry.coman d f ollo won
    iG@P olarjewelry
    3.audrey MiLLieroseoffersanexquisiterangeofstylishand
    contemporaryjewellery .allhandcraftedpiecesarecustomisableand
    madeinlimited quantitiesoroneofakind.everyorderisagiftthat
    givesback,asatreeisplanted inanareainneed witheachpurchase.
    shoponline ataudreymillierose.comand followon
    creativefocusonthedevelopmentofuniqueandcustomized designs.
    Theirpiecesareinspiredbythehistoryofartand architectureof
    rome. visitflaminiacappucci.comand followon
    [email protected]
    5. MayoL JeWeLryis ba sed i nGreeceand takesinspirati on from the
    oceanand exotic landscapes to crea te beautiful handmadejewellery.
    find out more atmayoljewelry.coman d visit their iG@m ayol_jewelry
    6.atedadogan,theyonlyuse real 925sterl ingsilverwhich is
    hallmarked,alongwithzircon, turquoise,mother of pearl,agate an d
    many natura lstones. all de signsand products ar emeticulousl yfinished
    with gold. yedadogan
    7. CaLo & Co.offers this original chain link desi gn©handcrafted 10k
    Gold‘finedazzle’ ch ain ring. elegan tsimple luxu ry adds the right
    amountofglamourand shine.Mak eastack ingset or combine
    beautifullywithyour fa vourite rings. so soft an d e asytowear yo u’ll
    neverwan ttot ak eito ff!see thefullcollecti on atcalo
    (iG)@calo andco

  3. noorsHaMMa| nyis afine jewelrybran d t hatarticulatesa
    harmonious rap port between classicand contemporar y, where
    passion, innovation an d c ra ftsman ship meet.execu ted t operfection
    bythe mostskilled artisan sinnyc,the sustainab le jewelryismade
    from recycled conflict-free and fairm ined gold, capturing personal
    stories interwoven with ar t, identi ty, an d emotion through unique
    patterns and mi nimalist moti fs.noorshamma.comiG@noorshamma

  4. Loais aMontr ealartistwho crea tesBeaut iful and Tim eless pearl s
    Jewelry. sheworks withpearl sall ar ound theworl d. shecan crea te
    cu stom pieces, simply le t her know what you de sire at
    lo a-boutique.comand follo w on iG@theloabouti que

  5. FranCeswasfoundedby Meredith Blackerisacoff,anew
    york-based j ewellerydesignerby passionand tr ade. shewas inspired
    to crea te the tim eless pieces she had been unableto find:
    sophisti cated a ccessorieswithatouchofedg e. Meredith founded
    fran cescurated in 2019,anedi ted c ollection of piecesfromher
    fa vourite brands, which includes her eponymous li ne as well. pictured
    are her Half starburst earrings. visitFrancesCurated.comand follo w
    on iG@F rancesCurated

  6. esteVana,byMexican si stersand arch itects estefan ia an d
    sil vana Barrios, ar esweet jewels that immersethe person whowea rs it
    into aworld of sophisti cati on an d m agic.Byusing adelicatedesignof
    18kgold an d p reciousstones, the piecesaim to produceanexplosionof
    sensati ons, leavi ng yo umesmerised .Timelessand fearl ess, esteva na is
    bound to be come par t of yo ur li fe. discover the full coll ecti on onli ne at
    estevana.c oman d follo w on iG@est evanajewelry

  7. PLuMeis anempowering, female-r un, fine jewelleryand
    accessoriesbran d f oundedby kate coll ins, an d b ased outof her studio
    in Brooklyn,ny. contempora ry yetclassic,katemakes her high-quality
    piecesinl imi ted q uantit iestoensur eher collectio nisuniqueand
    fresh. visitplumecollection.coman d iG:@p lumecollect ion
    13.norwegian de sig nerkirstiBass ’latestcolle ctio n“in spired By
    Thesea”isafun collectio nofearr ings an d n eck lacesmadewith
    freshwaterpearl s, sterlingsilverand 14kgold filled.
    Bass JeWeLLerygives you the opportunity to customise your
    everyday jewellery. visitbassjeweller y.coman d f ollo won
    iG@b assj eweller y
    14.nycjewellerydesignerHisuiJade groundsher collectio n
    in aminim alistdesignethoswith an aspirati onal vision for
    ethica llysourced m aterials.itisthisbalancethatensures
    FroM BrooKLyn WitH LoVede li vers perfectlycurated
    piecesthatwillele vate an ylook. formoredesigns,visi t
    FromBrooklynWLove.coman d follo w@frombklynwlo veon
    iG and Twitter.











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