Lose It! – July 2019

(Elliott) #1



For some people, even the edible members
of the nightshade family can cause problems.
Here are the red flags that may
mean you need to steer clear.


One plausible theory
is based on Vitamin D
metabolism. There’s
evidence from animal
studies indicating that
nightshades cause multiple
joint and bone problems,
mostly because of the way
animals’ bodies process
the form of vitamin D
nightshades contain.
Vitamin D is vital for
proper bone formation,
but the extremely potent
form of Vitamin D3 in
nightshade vegetables
actually prevents proper
calcium metabolism in
animals. This means it
makes their bodies deposit
calcium in the soft tissue
(where they don’t want
it) instead of in the bones


These colourful vegetables are all members

of the Solanaceae family. Common nightshades

include regular potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes,

bell peppers and chillies. The list of edible

nightshade plants also includes any spices made

from peppers, such as paprika, red pepper flakes

and cayenne pepper. Black pepper is not in this

category as it comes from a different plant. Apart

from this shortlist of edible nightshades, most

are toxic to humans. And for some of us, even

the edible nightshades can cause health

issues if we’re nightshade-sensitive or

allergic to them. What causes nightshades

to have such a negative effect on

certain people? Let’s look at a

few possibilities...

What are

nightshades? There is anecdotal
evidence linking
nightshades with
arthritis and, in
particular, rheumatoid
arthritis, an autoimmune
condition. A survey
published in the Journal of
Neurological and Orthopedic
Medical Surgery found
eliminating nightshades
was extremely helpful in
reducing joint pain and
fatigue in rheumatoid
arthritis sufferers.
So what exactly
is the link between
nightshades and pain,
inflammation and
autoimmunity issues?

These colourful vegetables are all
members of the Solanaceae family.
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