Lose It! – July 2019

(Elliott) #1




fter 16 years in an
abusive relationship,
Heidi Cilliers had
all but given up on
life. ‘I was in a very
bad marriage and
just wasn’t interested
in anything any more. I was abused and
had to look after my four kids all alone.
My only pleasure in life was eating. I had
to look after the kids, go to work, eat –
that was it.’ A typical day included a pie
for breakfast, hamburgers and chips for
lunch, takeaways for dinner, and chips and
chocolates as snacks in between meals. As
a result, Heidi’s weight climbed to 121kg.
‘I just sat in front of the TV. That was my
life. My version of fun was doing grocery
shopping. We lived on junk food.’
After divorcing her ex-husband, Heidi
met James, and her life changed for the
better. But just five years later, James
suffered a fatal heart attack. Her fiance’s
sudden and unexpected passing was a real
wake-up call for Heidi. ‘That was the
moment I started thinking I really needed
to start prioritising my health again.’
It wasn’t until September 2017, when
Heidi started dating her long-time friend
Wayne Tucker, that she really took action.



At 121kg, Heidi
had no lust for
life: her only joy
was indulging
in junk food.
But switching to
low-carb and
getting a solid
support system
behind her –
plus a newfound
love of cycling –
helped her turn
her life around.


121k g

A typical day
included a pie
for breakfast,
hamburgers and
chips for lunch,
takeaways for
dinner, and chips
and chocolates
as snacks in
between meals.

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