Top Santé UK – August 2019

(Dana P.) #1

10 TopSanté TopSanteMagazine @ TopS a n t eUK

Eat all you
want... and
don’t gEt fat!
We all know
now that the
Mediterranean diet
boasts a host of
health benefits. Now
there’s one more
reason to join club
Med – it could mean
you can eat as much
as you want without
weight gain! Sounds
too good to be true,
but an American
study found that
primates eating a
Mediterranean diet
chose to eat fewer
calories and had less
body fat than those
on a more traditional
Western diet. Pass
the olive oil...

is the recommended

portion of rice to add to your

daily diet to combat obesity,

according to Japanese scientists

who studied eating habits

around the world.


Turn up the heat f or better ideas

If you’ve ever shared an office,
you’ll know that it can be hard
for co-workers to agree on
what the temperature should
be. But now, female desk-
shiverers have an extra reason
to whack up the thermostat:
science has decreed that
women think better when
warmer. The study, by

researchers in LA and Berlin,
tested more than 500
participants, giving them
verbal and maths tests at
temperatures ranging from 16
to 32 degrees centigrade.
Women were found to
perform better at the higher
end, while men excelled
when it was cooler.

Bye Bye Bites!
Long, warm summer nights are great – until you get bitten by
pesky mossies! If bites are a bother, apply Science of Skin
Solution for Bites (£8.99, Free
from parabens, alcohol and fragrance, this
vegan-certified formula gives fast, effective
relief from bites and stings, and soothes irritation
and redness.
Free download pdf