Top Santé UK – August 2019

(Dana P.) #1
women link youth to fertility that as
menopause approaches, it makes us
think more about our age. We start to
worry about what others think; we
start to wonder whether we’re too old
to wear this or do that and we start to
feel we need to conform.’
Here’s where having a “spirit age”
comes in handy as it helps to
counteract all of this... but, how do
you find it? For some, it’s easy – it’s
that number that flashes unbidden
into your head when someone asks
how old you are. For others, you
might need to ask yourself a few
questions about how much
younger or older you feel
than your peers? What
age do you feel inside?
What age do others
think you are? All of
these things
combined create
the attitude and
feeling that make
up your spirit
age. Turn the
page to find out
how to to stay
forever young.

HealtH | mind

TopSanté 17

words: Helen Foster. p


Hs: gett

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Your spirit age is how

you’ve kicked around

the world. It’s what

you’ve gathered and

how you move and

your point of view,

your enthusiasm, your

gratitude, your

appreciation. It’s your

energy, your aura –

that’s your true age.

Not that other

arbitrary number.

Model and actress, Christie Brinkley.
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