Top Santé UK – August 2019

(Dana P.) #1

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y Holiday special

wIld sea
swimming in the sea is
completely invigorating; it’s
the perfect way to bookend
your day and keep fit.
exposure to cold water also
encourages your cells to
make more brown fat, which
is a healthier form of fat and
actually helps you burn more
calories. as an added bonus,
the antiseptic and
antibacterial properties of
the salty water can help
soothe irritated skin
and calm conditions
such as eczema
and acne.

Yoga on the sand is a
great way to connect with
nature. It’s also a perfect warm
up before a dip in the sea (see
below). Why not try a few rounds
of the aptly named Sun
Salutation? This flowing
sequence of moves boosts
circulation, and promotes
flexibility and a
calm mind.
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