L’Officiel Singapore – August 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
living L’OfficieL


Life of the Party LIVING

We’re having a ball of a time, courtesy of Baby Dior
Words ian lee

Baby Dior goes to a fancy dress ball for Fall/Winter 2019. Creative director Cordelia de
Castellane was so enamoured with the idea of the magic, fairytale and endless posibility
of fetes that occurred in the 20th century that she dreamt up her very own balls, and even
named them Le bal de la Forêt, Le bal Cache-cache, Le bal de la Bibliothèque rose, Le
bal des Artistes, and the Bal de Proust. Of course, for these very occasions, she created
modern, comfortable versions of evening outfits in sumptuous materials like high-shine
wool, neoprene and velvet. We almost wish there were adult versions to match, too.
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