Architectural Record – August 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1



University o Montana - Missoula, MT
Architect: StudioForma Architects

Powered by Dri-Design

Today, value engineering in construction has
allen ar rom its origins, with products being
chosen and changed out simply because
they are cheaper, many times sacri icing
per ormance and longevity. This new process
is no longer about creating actual value.
Acknowledging that budget is always a
concern, there must still be a better way.

With the introduction o EN-V we aim to
restore the true meaning o value. We
haven’t cheapened anything about the EN-V
metal panel system, but rather optimized
the process to ind cost savings without
sacri icing per ormance. EN-V is a ully
tested, architectural, dry joint, pressure
equalized rainscreen system which starts
at an uncommonly low price in this sector.
The panels are single-skin, so there are no
worries o delamination and they are non-
combustible. Available in a nearly endless
palette o custom colors, EN-V doesn’t
compromise on aesthetics either. Now you
can use a system you want at the price point
you need.

Now you can use a system you want at
the price point you need.

When the concept o value engineering was irst conceived in the 1940s, the aim was to ind real
value through care ul analysis o products and components. This was accomplished by either
improving per ormance without increasing cost or reducing cost without sacri icing per ormance.
It was understood that value could only be created i unctionality and durability remained the priority.
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