Scootering – August 2019

(lu) #1

this now explainswhytheLambretta
was soreliable andthus popular with
the public, with theattention to detail
and qualityofworkmanship
guaranteeing the perfection of each
machine theyproduced.

Innocenti usedtheslogan‘Theworld’s
finest scooter’and from Colin'sreport,
it'sclear toseewhythat quoteis so

appropriate. It's not justthe factory floor
where this greatempirewas built,
administrationoffices andobserved the
marblefloors thatled to each room.
Staff lined up,pleasantlygreeting him
and proudto showhim aroundthe vast
site. FerdinandoInnocentihadbuiltup
ahuge infrastructure basedaround the
automotive industry afterWW2, and
Colin’svisitwasdefinitely made atits

peak. No doubt he had seentheworkers
happytobe partofthis process, each
one loyal to the cause. Thecompany
employedthousandsof staffand it must
notbeforgotten that Innocenti playeda
veryimportantpartinthe Italian
economy at the time.
Reading through thisarticle, it seems
almostinconceivable thatonlyseven
years laterit was allover,certainly the
productionofthe Lambrettaanyway.

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