Scootering – August 2019

(lu) #1

previous work. When we toured the
record, we noticed that people really got
behind the lyrics. That showed us that
we’d extended our reach into different
territories. People were there to see us,
not just to go toapunk show.
“We’re obviously proud of the new
album, though.We’re trying to channel a
lot of the anger that there is in the
country–anger at politicians, at the
media, at music even–but we don’t like
to preach, we’d rather use humour.
People don’t want to listen to bands that
just rant.Wejust want to take the piss
out of people!Word play isabigpart of
who we are,Idon’t know where it comes
from, but it’salways there.Idon’t tend
to listen to our old material, but Jimbo
does, and he’salways hearing things

he’snever noticed us do before, even
though he’sapart of it.Wecertainly
don’t have our material on in the van.
Once it’srecordedIjustwant to move
on. Although we’ve always self-released
in the past, our new label, Bomber,have
been brilliant in supporting us.We’ve
got PR support we’ve never had before.
We’ve Joe from Random Hand to thank
for that. They’re signed to the label and
he said that he thought Bomber would
suit us.Achatwith label owner Donagh
was all it took to convince us.
“It was suchaquickdeal that it led to
aslightly odd moment in the filming of
the promo for our lead single off the
album, ‘Kaboom’. Normally these things
takeacouple of days to complete, but I
hadall of twohours asIhad to be

somewhere. The videographer wasn’t
impressed with the idea, but went with
it.To wards the end he asked ifIhad a
piece of paper thatIcould wave, as if to
makeapoint.Isaid yes, and emerged
waving the only paperIhad–the
contract with Bomber! I’d brought it
down for the lads to sign, and it was all
we had to hand. As to what the future
brings, thisalbum is the important one,
butI’msitting on enough unfinished
songs for another album. It’ll come when
we’re ready.
“If you find that you do like our sound
then come with us.You’re allwelcome,
regardless of what you call us, or
yourselves.We’ll keep moving the
goalposts anyway!”


What do you get if youcrossahard-edged
punk band, all distorted guitarand
powerhousedrums,with rapid-fire lyrics
fromanex-Grimerapper?Welcome to
Riskee&TheRidicule, one of the biggest
names kickingdowndoors onthepunk
underground.Their incrediblesecondalbum,
Blame Culture, helpedswelltheirfanbase
both here and abroad,while their electrifying
live shows have converted the uncertain,
and here’sthefollow-up,onewhichshould
be assured of gettingthe same reception.In
many ways it’s adirect descendantofBlame
Culture, with tracks referencing their
previousmaterial (even downto sampling
themselvesonFor OldTimes Sake, and In
The DarkWeDwellfeelinglikeaStranger
Things-typeflip side to thebrilliant Hipster
from thelast release),butit’snot a

continuationofthe same sound. Overthelast
two years thebandhas developed, and now
returncarryingaharderand, at times,
darker edge. Thepunching-the-air anthems
continue;it’s something they do as well
anyone,but veryfew do it with as much
humour,andIcan’t think of another band
that comesclose to the level of well-crafted
lyricsthatthisgangpresent.The obvious
love of playing withthe English language
continues,with Scott’smachine-gundelivery
leaving yousmiling at some of thelyrics
whileyou’re rollinginthe dustkicked upas
theyflypastyou.Lyrically,they’re happy to
discussthe usual targetsofmedia
manipulation, sexualexploitationand drug
abuse. They’realso keen to kickagainstthe
parts ofthemusic industry thattrytostifle
originality,but also happytopraisetheDIY

ethos that is what definesPunk Rock,and
they’renotafraidto look atthemselves and
laugh whentheyhave to.Asthey putit
themselves...“We’re likeThe Mob.We
make hits, butnoonewants totalk aboutit.”
They will. Oh yes, it’s onlyamatteroftime.
Butthey will.


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