Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Ruddy Turnstone
Binomial Name: Arenaria interpres
The Ruddy Turnstone is An uncommon passage-migratory bird in Bangladesh. A bird staysin the middle for a short period during migration, it is called ‘Longitudinal migratory’. Their
primary habitat is from the high tundra region of the North Pole of North America to Siberia.They come to our country in November and leave in March. During this time, they roam in
the mud or sand of the coasts, including the Sundarban. Less likely to be near fresh water.In the winter habitat, small flocks roam with other piper birds. They stroll, dig holes, and
ingest food by inverting small objects. The food list includes insects, snails, shrimp, and
earthworms. The breeding season is from May to August. At this time, they make smallholes in the open wilderness of the rocky coast of their original habitat, spread their herbs,
and lay their eggs.

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(^122) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan
passage migrant

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