Binomial Name: Calidris alpina
The Dunlin is a rare passage-migratory bird of Bangladesh. In winter, it can be seen on thecoasts and river banks of the Barisal, Chittagong, Khulna, and Rajshahi divisions, including
Sundarban. They are usually mixed with other flocks of birds. They pick up food from themud and eat it. Their diet includes insects, larvae, small shrimp, snails, invertebrates, and
some seeds and leaves. During the May-June breeding season, male birds build multiplenests in grassy grasslands in the tundra regions of Europe, Siberia, and North America.
The females choose a nest from there and lay eggs.
Kvv evUvb Kv
v evUvb evsjv‡‡ki weij cvš’-cwihvqx cvwL| kxZKv‡j my›
iebmn ewikvj, PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv
I ivRkvnx wefv‡Mi DcK~j I bx Zx‡i †
Lv hvq| Giv m ̈vuZ‡m‡Z Z...Yeûj RvqMv, KvvPi, evwjgq mgy
ª ˆmKZ I Kvvgq wgVvcvwbi Rjvk‡q wePiY K‡i| mvaviYZ Ab ̈ cvwLi Svu ‡Ki mv‡_ wg‡k _v‡K| Lv
̈ZvwjKvq Av‡QÑ †cvKv I Zv‡i jvf© v, †QvU wPswo, kvgyK RvZxq cÖvYx, A‡giæ
cÖvYx Ges wKQz exR I cvZv| †g-Ryb gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j BD‡ivc, mvB‡ewiqv I DËi Av‡gwiKvi
Zy›`ªv A‡ji m ̈vuZ‡m‡Z Z...Yeûj RvqMvq †Q‡jcvwL GKvwaK evmv evbvq| †g‡qcvwL †mLvb †_‡K
GKwU evmv †e‡Q wb‡q wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 123
Photo © Foridi Numan
passage migrant