Binomial Name: Calidris alba
The Sanderling is a rare migratory shore-bird of Bangladesh. They arrive in Bangladesh inOctober and return in March-April. In winter, it can be seen on the sands of the coast,
including the Sundarban. They usually roam in small flocks, often with a mixture of Dunlin,
Curlew Sandpiper and other small aquatic birds. It eats prey on the shores of the sea. Thefood list includes earthworms, snails, and shrimp. After returning to the country, the
breeding season starts in June-July. During this time, they make nests by digging holesnear herbaceous bushes in the tundra region of the Arctic in Russia, Canada, and
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(^124) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan