Little Stint
Binomial Name: Calidris minuta
The Little Stint, slightly larger than a sparrow and the smallest bird in the 'piper' family, is
a common migratory bird of Bangladesh from Siberia. During the winter, it can be foundalong the coasts and estuaries of the divisions of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, and Rajshahi.
They roam the salt marshes, tidal flats, and coastal estuaries. There are usually mixedflocks of small coastal birds. The food list includes small insects and their larvae,
earthworms, shrimp, and other invertebrates. During the May-June breeding season, they
make their home in the Siberian region by digging holes in the ground and spreading leavesand grass.
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(^128) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan