Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Temminck’s Stint
Binomial Name: Calidris temminckii
In the tundra region of Scandinavia and Siberia, when there is a food shortage in severewinters, like many other birds, the Temminck’s Stint also migrates to this country. Not just
for food but also for warmth. Temminck’s Stint is a common migratory bird in Bangladesh.In this country, they roam in grassy places, mud-marshland, wetlands, river banks, and
damp fields with plants. They eat earthworms, shrimp, and snails by sticking their beaksin the soft mud. During the breeding season of May-July, it nests near lakes or wetlands
in the Siberian region.

†Uwg‡ ̄‹i PvcvwL
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Avm‡Z nq| †Uwg‡ ̄‹i PvcvwL evsjv‡‡ki my jf cwihvqx cvwL| G‡‡k Giv Z... Yeûj hvqMv, KvvPi, Rjvf~wg, bxi cvo I Dw™¢Iqvjv m ̈vuZ‡mu‡Z cÖvšÍ‡i wePiY K‡i| big Kvvq jZvcvZvi gv‡S
†VvuU XzwK‡q †Ku‡Pv, wPswo I kvgyK RvZxq cÖvYx Lvq| †g-RyjvB gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j mvB‡ewiq
A‡ji n«` ev Rjvf~wgi cv‡k evmv ev‡a|

(^130) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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