Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Asian Dowitcher
Binomial Name: Limnodromus semipalmatus
The Asian Dowitcher is native to southern Siberia, northern China, and Mongolia. It migratesto eastern India, including our country, through southeast Asia to northern and eastern
Australia in winter. The Asian Dowitcher is a rare migratory bird of Bangladesh. Thiswaterfowl has a striking resemblance to Godwits. They usually roam the Chittagong and
Khulna coastal mudflats in Bangladesh in mixed flocks of other waterfowl. They feed byinserting their beaks into shallow water or wet mud. The food list includes insects, snails,
and crustaceans. Their breeding season is from May to June.
Gkxq WDBPvi
Gkxq WDBPv‡ii g~j Avevm w¶Y mvB‡ewiqv, DËi Pxb Ges g‡½vwjqvq| kxZKv‡j Avgv‡i
kmn c~e© fviZ †_‡Kw¶Y-c~e© Gwkqv n‡qDËi I c~ e© A‡÷«wjqv cwihvqb K‡i| Gkxq WDBPvi
evsjv‡‡ki weij cwihvqx cvwL| †RŠivwj‡i mv‡_ †Pnvivi h‡ó wgj i‡q‡Q GB RjPi cvwLwUi|
evsjv‡‡ki PÆnMÖvg I Lyjbvi DcK~jxq KvvP‡i mvaviYZ Ab ̈vb ̈ RjPi cvwL‡i wgkÖ‡j wePiY
K‡i| AMfxi cvwb‡Z wKsev †fRv Kv`vq †VvuU XzwK‡q Giv Lvevi Lvq| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q
†cvKv, kvgyK I wPswoRvZxq cÖvYx| cÖRbbKvj †g †
‡K Ryb gvm|

Birds of the Sundarban I 131

Photo © Adnan Hossain Somrat

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