Black-headed Gull
Binomial Name: Larus ridibundus
The Black-headed Gull is a common migratory bird in Bangladesh. They migrate in winterfrom southern Russia and northeastern Mongolia. Take shelter in the coastal region of
Bangladesh. This bird feeds on fish in coastal estuaries, islands, Kaptai Lake, Naf Riverestuary, St. Martin's Island, and Sundarban fishing grounds. This bird prefers salt water
over fresh water and is more common in areas near the sea. Wandering in flocks, solitaryor in pairs. Their favourite food is mainly fish, but they also eat shrimp, leftovers, aquatic
insects, snails, earthworms, seeds, and juicy fruits. Summer is their breeding season. At
this time, behind the tiny plants of the original habitat, they dig a little soil, make a nestwith leaves, and lay eggs.
Kvjvgv_v MvOwPj
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Avov‡j gvwU †Lv`j K‡i jZvcvZvi evmv evwb‡q
wWg cv‡o|
(^158) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan