Brown-headed Gull
Binomial Name: Larus brunnicephalus
The Brown-headed Gull is a common migratory bird in Bangladesh. At thebeginning of winter, they take shelter in the lagoons, harbours, creeks,
estuaries, rivers, and lakes of Bangladesh. Floating in small groupsin the water. Flies slightly above the water, following fishing boats
or other vessels to gather food. Foods include fish, shrimp,crustaceans, aquatic insects, snails, earthworms,
winged weevils, or grain sprouts. The breeding
period is from mid-June to July. Then theyreturned to their native land. Nests in the
islands of Ladakh, Turkestan and southernMongolia.
Lqivgv_v MvOwPj, M½v KBZi
Lqivgvv MvOwPj evsjv‡‡k myjf
k©b cwihvqx cvwL| kx‡Zi ïiæ‡Z evsjv‡kmn Dcgnv‡
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AvkÖq †bq|
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†cQ‡b Ny‡i Lvevi msMÖnK‡i| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q gvQ, wPswo, Dw”Qó, RjR †cvKv,
†Lvjmnxb kvgyK, †Ku‡Pv, WvbvIqvjv DB ev k‡m ̈i A¼yi| cÖRbb
FZz ga ̈ Ryb †‡K RyjvB| ZLb wbR evmf~wg‡Z wd‡i
hvq| evmv evu‡a jvvL, ZzwK© ̄Ívb I
g‡½vwjqvi Øxcv‡j|
Birds of the Sundarban I 159
Photo © Foridi Numan