Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

White-rumped Vulture
Binomial Name: Gyps bengalensis
The White-rumped Vulture is a rare resident bird of Bangladesh. Once, it was seen all overthe country. The vulture, the true friend of the environment, was never loved by people.
These natural scavengers help keep the environment clean by consuming dead bodies orrotting meat as quickly as possible. These birds had no natural enemies and were worthless
to hunters. Still, they are disappearing from nature. There were about fifty thousand vulturesin Bangladesh before independence; now, their number is less than three hundred. Experts
believe that the vultures died because of Diclofenac, a toxic drug used to treat cattle

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(^166) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo : Shantanu KuveskarWikimedia Commons

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