Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Common Buzzard
Binomial Name: Buteo buteo
The Common Buzzard is identified as a rare migratory bird on the bird list of Bangladesh.They migrate from Siberia to Bangladesh in winter. They roam in remote areas of arable
land, meadows or fields with small bushes, sometimes alone, sometimes in pairs or isolatedgroups. In search of food, they fly in the sky or sit on tree branches and suddenly jump to
catch prey. Although they are birds of prey, they are not very violent in nature. The dietincludes rodents, reptiles, small birds, and invertebrates. During the breeding season of
April-June, they make nests of large branches and leaves on the slopes of the Siberian
mountains and lay their eggs.

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Mv‡Qi Wv‡j e‡m _v‡K Ges nVvr Svuwc‡q c‡o wkKvi a‡i|
Giv wkKvwi cvwL n‡jI ̄^fv‡e †Zgb wnsmª bq| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq
Buyi, mixm„c, †QvU cvwL I A‡giæÛx cÖvYx i‡q‡Q| GwcÖj-
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Wvjcvjv I cvZv w`‡q evmv
ˆZix K‡i wWg cv‡o|

Photo © Timu Hossain

(^168) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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