Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Oriental Honey-buzzard
Binomial Name: Pernis ptilorhynchus
The Oriental Honey-buzzard, which does the hard work of breaking into a hive and eatinghoney, is its favourite. A rare resident bird of prey in the list of birds of Bangladesh. It has
global distribution in various regions of Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China,Japan, Korea, and Siberia. Found in all the forests of Dhaka, Khulna, and
Sylhet. The bird flaps its wings and flies in circles in the air in searchof food. Apart from honey, bee larvae, large insects, mice, and
baby birds are its favourite foods. During the breeding season
from April to June, the eggs are laid in a hard nest made oftwigs and leaves in deciduous trees, palms, or coconut
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cvwLi ZvwjKvq weij AvevwmK wkKvwi cvwL| XvKv,
Lyjbv I wm‡j‡Ui mKj e‡b cvIqv hvq| Wvbvq
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†LvuR K‡i| gay QvovI †gŠgvwQi
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GwcÖj †_‡K Ryb gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j
cÎeûj MvQ, †LRyi wKsev bvwi‡Kj
Mv‡Q Wvj I cvZv w`‡q k³-†cv³
evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

Birds of the Sundarban I 169

rare Photo © Foridi Numan
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