Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Binomial Name: Pandion haliaetus
A rare sight in Bangladesh is the Osprey, a migratory bird of prey. They are native to Siberiaand Tibet. They migrate to Bangladesh in the winter season. Along with the Sundarbans,
they inhabit our country's haor, bill, rivers, and so on. The bird mainly prefers places richin fish to roam. They have keen eyesight, strong toes and feet with sharp
claws. There are beaksfish are the favourites, curved like spears for tearing flesh. Bigbut the Osprey is not opposed to
mice, rabbits, and various reptiles. During the breeding
season from Marchprimary habitat to April, they lay their eggs in thearound the lake by making nests
on the branches ofleafy trees.

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(^170) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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