Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

White-bellied Sea Eagle
Binomial Name: Haliaeetus leucogaster
The White-bellied Sea Eagle is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. They roam thecoastal areas. They are found in the seashore, char, mangrove forest, big rivers, river
estuaries, and freshwater lakes. The White-bellied Sea Eagle sits on the branches of thegiant trees of the forest and waits for hours for its prey. It searches for prey by sitting on
tree trunks or flying in circles in the sky. When he finds thepierces the toenails. If the prey is small, it is eaten prey, he grabs it andin flight. The food
list includes snakes, fish, crabs, rodents, small animals, and
birds. Their breeding season is from October tolays eggs by making a nest of twigs and leaves January. Itin tall trees
on the banks of seas or large rivers. Uses the sameafter year. nest year

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wmÜz CMj evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL| Giv mgyª DcK~jxq A‡j Ny‡i †eovq| mgyªZxi, Pi, evveb, eo bx, bxi †gvnbv, wgVv cvwbi n«‡ G‡i †Lv hvq| wmÜzCMj wkKv‡ii Rb ̈ e‡bi eo eo Mv‡Qi Wv‡j e‡m N›Uvi ci N›Uv A‡cÿv K‡i| Mv‡Qi gMWv‡j e‡m wKsev AvKv‡k e„ËvKv‡i D‡o wkKvi †Luv‡R| wkKv‡ii †Lv †c‡j †Quv †g‡i cv‡qi
bL weuwa‡q wkKvi a‡i| wkKvi †QvU n‡j DošÍ
Ae ̄’v‡ZB †L‡q †bq| gvwU‡Z †b‡g wKsev Mv‡Qi Wv‡j
e‡mI Lvevi Lvq| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q mvc, gvQ,
KuvKov, Buyi, †QvU cÖvYx, †QvU cvwL| A‡±vei †_‡K Rvbyqvix G‡i cÖRbbKvj| mvMi ev eo b`xi cv‡oi DuPz
Mv‡Q Wvj I cvZvi evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o| GKB evmv eQ‡ii
ci eQi e ̈envi K‡i|



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