Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Little Egret
Binomial Name: Egretta garzetta
The Little Egret is a common resident aquatic bird on the bird list of Bangladesh. In allcountry divisions, the swampland, lakes, rivers, swamps, floodplains, paddy fields, salt flats,
estuaries, and mangrove forest habitats migrate in mixed flocks with other egrets. Theysearch for prey by strolling or standing in shallow water, and when they find prey, they
catch it with their beaks. Their diet includes small fish, amphibians, insects, shrimp,earthworms, lizards, small mammals, and snakes. Their excellent affinity with cormorants
can be observed; they live together in groups in large trees or bamboo. Even during the
June-September breeding season, colonies nest with cormorants and lay eggs.

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Birds of the Sundarban I 197

Photo © Emdadul Islam Bitu
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