Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Cinnamon Bittern
Binomial Name: Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
Those who think all Egrets are white in color will be surprised to hear the name CinnamonBittern. Many people have not heard the name of this resident bird, which is uncommon in
Bangladesh. The bird can be seen in almost all parts of Bangladesh in extensive marshes,swampland, swamps, rivers, canals, or mangrove forests. Usually, they roam alone or in
pairs. This solitary bird prefers to remain hidden from human sight. Hunts by walkingstealthily in grasslands, reed forests, or water bodies. Food includes fish, amphibians,
aquatic insects, and snails. Breeding season is from June to September. At this time, the
reed forest or the grass forest near the water body or under the thick leaves of water-hyacinth makes a nest with a bit of foliage and lays eggs.

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GB AvevwmK cvwLwUi bvgB A‡b‡K †kv‡bbwb| cvwLwU‡K evsjv‡‡ki cÖvq me wefv‡MiB nvIi, wej, Rjv, bx, Lvj wKsev g ̈vb‡MÖvf e‡b †Lv hvq| mvaviYZ GKv wKsev †Rvovq wePiY K‡i _v‡K| AšÍivjcivqY cvwLwU gvby‡li„wói Avov‡j _vK‡Z cQ›K‡i| Z...Yf~wg, bjeb, A_ev Rjvk‡q Pzwcmv‡i †nu‡U wkKvi K‡i| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q gvQ, DfPi, RjR †cvKv I kvgyK RvZxq cÖvYx| cÖRbbKvj Ryb †_‡K †m‡Þ¤^i gvm| Gmgq bjeb wKsev Rjvk‡qi Kv‡Qi Nvme‡b A_ev KPzwicvbvi NbcvZvi Avov‡j mvgvb ̈ jZvcvZv w‡q evmv ˆZix K‡i wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 203

Photo courtesy : Hari K Patibanda

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