Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Yellow Bittern
Binomial Name: Ixobrychus sinensis
Although the Yellow Bittern is a permanent resident of the country, it is only seen in someplaces. This aquatic bird, a rare resident of Bangladesh, can be seen in all divisions of
swamp, swampland, reed forest, paddy field, floodplain, or mangrove forest. They usuallyroam alone or in pairs in water hyacinth, bindweed, reed forests, paddy fields, or swampy
thickets. They search for food by standing or walking stealthily in water or on floating plants.Their main food is small fish and aquatic insects. Their breeding season is from June to
September. During this time, they make nests under the cover of bushes, water hyacinths,or paddy trees.

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†m‡Þ¤^i| Gmgq Rjvkq msjMœ †SvcR½j, KPzwicvbv wKsev avbMv‡Qi Avov‡j evmv Giv evu‡a|

(^204) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Mugniur Rahman Moni

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