Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1
Asian Openbill
Binomial Name: Anastomus oscitans
The Asian Openbill is an uncommon resident aquaticbird of Bangladesh. Often roams in small flocks in
coastal mangrove forests, river banks, extensivemarsh, swampland, lakes, and paddy fields. During
the hottest part of the day, without moving theirwings, they slowly fly in a circle high in the sky
in a group. It also passes from one side of thereservoir to the other or wanders along the
water's edge or in shallow water, searchingfor food by sinking its beak into the mud.
also eats small mammals, frogs, and crabs. TheSnails and oysters are their favorite food. It
they are Egret. Cormorants, Darter, etc., colonizebreeding period is from July to April. At this time,
usually do not breed in drought years.with birds and make big nests like sticks. They
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evbvq| †h eQi Liv nq, †meQi Giv mvaviYZ cÖ Rbb K‡i

(^206) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban Photo © Foridi Numan

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