Lesser Adjutant
Binomial Name: Leptoptilos javanicus
The Lesser Adjutant is the second largest, rare resident waterfowl of Bangladesh. Earlier itwas also seen in Dhaka, Khulna, and Sylhet regions. Now probably, Sundarban is the last
shelter of this bird. They usually roam in pairs or small groups in mangrove forests, beaches,wet forests, and large lakes. They eat by walking in shallow water or mud. The food list
includes fish, frogs, lizards, snakes, shrimps, and animal carcasses.
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i wbwe© Pvi wkKv‡ii d‡j Aw ̄ÍË¡ msK‡Ui gy‡L c‡o‡Q cvwLwU|
Av‡M XvKv, Lyjbv I wm‡jU A‡jI †Lv †hZ| GLb m¤¢eZ my›
iebB GB cvwLi †kl AvkÖq|
g ̈vb‡MÖvf eb, ˆmKZ, Rjgq eb, eo n«‡mPivPi Giv †Rvovq wKsev †QvU
‡j wePiY K‡i|
PvjPj‡b fvwiw° fve vK‡jI gbUvK cwi‡e‡ki eÜzÑ cPvMjv †L‡q cwi‡ek‡K
~lYgy³ K‡i|
AMfxi cvwb‡Z wKsev Kvvq †nu‡U Giv Lvevi Lvq| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q gvQ, e ̈vO, wUKwUwK, mvc, wPswo I cïi g„Z‡
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b‡f¤^i †‡K Rvbyqvwi| Gmgq e‡bi eo Mv‡Q Wvjcvjv w`‡q evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 207
Photo © Foridi Numan