Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Indian Pitta
Binomial Name: Pitta brachyura
A very favorite bird of the people of Bangladesh, The bird, isalso given different names depending on the area. The Indian
Pitta is a rare migratory bird of Bangladesh. They usually roamin pairs in deciduous evergreen forests, mangrove forests,
bamboo forests, and small scrub forests. They eat insects byturning over leaves on the forest floor. They come to this
country from India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka after traveling
thousands of miles to eat the insects under the moist leavesthat fall during the monsoons. Also spends the
May-August breeding season. They makeball-like nests of leaves, roots, and grass in
forest trees. Before winter comes, they return
to the rainfed areas.

bIiO, eY©vjx, eD KzUzg, nvjwZ,
ebmy›ix, †wk ïgPv
cvwLwUi kix‡ii cvj‡K jvj, mvv, Kv‡jv, njy, bxj,
meyR, evvwgmn AšÍZ bqwU i‡Oi wgwkÖZ mgvnvi| Avi ZvB Gi bvg †Iqv n‡q‡Q bIiO| evsjv‡‡ki gvby ‡li LyeB wcÖq cvwL; GjvKv‡f‡ cvwLwUiI bvbviKg bvg
Iqv n‡q‡Q| bIiO evsjv‡‡ki yj©f cwihvqx ebPi †QvU cvwL| Giv cvZvSiv wPimeyR eb, g ̈vb‡MÖvf eb, evuk eb, ÿzª †Svuc-R½‡j mvaviYZ
†Rvovq wePiY K‡i| ebZ‡j SivcvZv Dwë‡q Giv
KxU-cZ½ Lvq| el©vq S‡icov Avª© cvZvi wb‡Pi †cvKv LvIqvi †jv‡fB nvRvi gvBj c_ cvwo w‡q
fviZ, †bcvj I kÖxj¼v †_‡K G‡‡k Av‡m| cvkvcvwk †g-AvM‡÷i cÖRbbKvj cvi K‡i| e‡bi Mv‡Q cvZv, g~j I Nvm w‡q e‡ji gZ evmv
ˆZix K‡i| kxZ Avmvi Av‡MB Giv e„wócÖeY
A‡j wd‡i hvq|

(^208) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Adnan Hossain Somrat

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