Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Mangrove Pitta
Binomial Name: Pitta megarhyncha
The Mangrove Pitta lives in coastal mangrove forests from Bangladesh to southeasternSumatra. The largest habitat is the Sundarban in Bangladesh. The bird is considered 'near-
threatened' in the world. Zoologists fear that if there is any damage to the limited habitat,it will be endangered soon. The Mangrove Pitta is an uncommon resident bird of
Bangladesh. Like the Bengal Tiger in the Sundarban, they are 'territorial' birds. They usuallymake a nest on the top of a thorny Hental tree or on a high branch of a Cannonball-
mangrove to protect their chicks and eggs from predatory cats or reptiles.
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Photo © Foridi Numan

Birds of the Sundarban I 209

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