Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Golden-fronted Leafbird
Binomial Name: Chloropsis aurifrons
A common resident bird of Bangladesh is the Golden-fronted Leafbird. Even though walkingin the forest all day is easy, bird watchers do not easily meet them or hear their voices.
Due to the green color of the body, the bird can easily hide behind the leaves. Their rangeis not everywhere. Rarely found in rural areas. Basically, they are the inhabitants of
evergreen and deciduous forests. Roaming in pairs or small groups. They look for food inthe thick leaves of trees or high bushes. The food list includes insects, nectar from flowers,
and juicy fruits. During the breeding season from January to August, the eggs are laid in
bowl-like nests made of grass, leaves, moss, and cobwebs on tree branches in the forest.
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Photo © Foridi Numan

(^210) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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