Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Long-tailed Shrike
Binomial Name: Lanius schach
The Long-tailed Shrike is the mostcommon insect-predatory bird in
Bangladesh. Found in all types of forestsor localities across the country. They
usually roam alone in open fields, trimbushes, tall grasses, roadsides, or
orchards. Searches for prey on the ground
from a low position. The food list includesgrasshoppers, insects, spiders, mice,
lizards, earthworms, small bird chicks, etc.During the breeding season from
December to July, they lay their eggs in a
neat nest made of grass, roots, and fibersin thorn trees.

j ̈vÄv jv‡Uviv, Kvjvgvv KmvB
j ̈vÄv jv‡Uviv evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK †cvKv-wkKvwi cvwL| mviv‡‡ki me ai‡Yi eb
ev †jvKvj‡q †Lv hvq| Giv †Lvjv gvV, ÿzª
†Svc, j¤^v Nvm, iv ̄Ívi cv‡k wKsev djevMv‡b
mvaviYZ GKvKx Ny‡i †eovq| wbPz †Kv‡bv ̄’vb
‡K f~wg‡Z wkKv‡ii mÜvb K‡i| Lvev‡ii
ZvwjKvq Av‡Q c½cvj, †cvKv-gvKo, †QvU
Buyi, wUKwUwK, †Ku‡Pv, †QvU cvwLi Qvbv BZ ̈vw| Giv wb©qfv‡e wkKvi wQu‡o-†K‡U †_uZ‡j UzK‡iv K‡i Lvq| cÖ‡qvR‡bi †ewk wkKvi K‡i, Avi evowZ wkKvi Mv‡Qi KvuUvq †Mu‡_ iv‡L, c‡i LvIqvi Rb ̈| GiKg fq¼i AvPi‡Yi G‡i‡K ÔKmvB cvwLÕI ejv nq|
wW‡m¤^i †_‡K RyjvB gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j
KvuUvIqvjv Mv‡Q Nvm, g~j I Avuk w`‡q
cwicvwU evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|



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