Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Common Iora
Binomial Name: Aegithina tiphia
There are many stories and myths about the small bird. The bird waits for the rainwater,so in the intense summer heat, it sings with a tune of 'tik...jol', 'tik...jol'. It is because of
the song of this bird that it starts raining, the world gets cold, and so the people ofBangladesh lovingly named the bird Fatikjal. Common resident songbird Common Iora can
be seen in forests or around village houses in all areas of Bangladesh. The calm bird cannotquarrel but only sings. They usually go around in pairs and look for food by picking up
leaves. Eats spiders, dung beetles, insects, grubs, etc. January to September is the breeding
season of Common Ioras. At this time, they make a bowl-like nest with grass and fiberswith spider webs and lay eggs.

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evwb‡q Giv wWg cv‡o|

(^214) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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