Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Ashy Woodswallow
Binomial Name: Artamus fuscus
The Ashy Woodswallow is a common resident small insectivorous bird of Bangladesh. Birdsof a group sit in a huddle together. Sitting on the branches of leafless trees with their bodies
close to each other, they spend the night together. In tree villages, mangroves, or grasslands,usually hundreds of birds in family groups roam together. It searches for prey by sitting on
tree trunks or high places, flies, catches the prey, and returns to the previous place. Thefood list includes butterflies, grasshoppers, winged termites, etc. Breeding season is from
March to June. At this time, the nest is built on the tree's trunk or at the base of a palm
tree branch. Soft grass, thin vines, or tree roots make nests.

a~mi Avevwej
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K‡i| Mv‡Qi gMWv‡j wKsev DPz †Kvb ̄’v‡b e‡m wkKvi †Lvu‡R Ges D‡o G‡m wkKvi a‡i Avevi
Av‡Mi hvqMvq‡ZB wd‡i Av‡m| Lv̈ZvwjKvq Av‡Q cÖRvcwZ, dwos, WvbvIqvjv DB BZ ̈vw| cÖRbbKvj gvP© †_‡K Ryb|
Gmgq Giv evmv evu‡a Mv‡Qi †KvU‡i wKsev Zvj Mv‡Qi
Wv‡ji †Mvovq| evmv evbv‡Z e ̈envi K‡i big Nvm,
wPKb jZv wKsev Mv‡Qi wkKo|

Birds of the Sundarban I 215

Photo © Foridi Numan

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