Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Jungle Crow, Large-billed Crow
Binomial Name: Corvus macrorhynchos
The Jungle Crow is a common resident omnivorous bird of Bangladesh. They have a habitof stealing, sneaking away with people's food, or anything else. However, they also benefit
people and the environment by eating scattered leftovers or rotting. Forests of all parts ofthe country, localities, or cities usually roam in pairs or small groups. They are very social
birds. If someone in the group does something wrong, they understand each other.Hundreds of Crows may come together to protest when attacked by humans or others and
offer condolences. The breeding season is from November to April; large trees lay eggs by
combining many things, including sticks, leaves, tree branches, wool, twigs, wires, andother things, to make a messy nest.

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mvgvwRK cvwL| ‡ji †KD Ab ̈vq Ki‡j wb‡R‡i †fZi
†evSvcov K‡i| gvbyl ev Ab ̈ Kv‡iv Øviv AvμvšÍ n‡j Zv‡K
mg‡ebv Rvbv‡bvi cvkvcvwk kZ kZ KvK GKwÎZ n‡q cÖwZevgyLi n‡Z cv‡i| cÖRbbKvj
b‡f¤^i †_‡K GwcÖj gv‡m eo Mv‡Q KvwV,
cvZv, Mv‡Qi Wvj, ckg, †Qveov,
Zvimn A‡bK wKQz GKwÎZ K‡i
A‡MvQv‡jv evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|


Photo © Foridi Numan

(^218) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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