Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

House Crow
Binomial Name: Corvus splendens
The House Crow is the common resident omnivorous bird of Bangladesh. It is seen morein localities, cities, or metropolises than in the forests of Bangladesh. They have a worldwide
reputation as brilliant birds. They benefit the people and the environment by eating thegarbage of the city port, and there are accusations against them of stealing the daily
necessities of the city dwellers for no reason. People are also disturbed by their hoarsecalls during the day or night. The breeding season is from January to July. This time, they
build nests on the top of trees, on the cornices of buildings, and even on electricity poles.
Nesting materials are hard to list, with various scavenged or stolen essentials and untidynests to lay eggs.

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cvwZ KvK evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK me©f~K cvwL| evsjv‡‡ki eb-R½‡ji †P‡q †jvKvjq,
bMi wKsev gnvbM‡iB †ewk †Lv hvq| Lye eyw×gvb cvwL wn‡m‡e wek¦gq L ̈vwZ Av‡Q G‡i| kni-
e›‡ii gqjv-AveR©bv †L‡q Giv gvbyl I cwi‡e‡ki we‡kl DcKvi K‡i e‡U, Avevi bMievmxi wbZ ̈cÖ‡qvRbx wRwbl AKvi‡YB Pzwi K‡i wb‡q hvIqvi Awf‡hvMI Av‡Q G‡i
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Mv‡Qi DuPz‡Z, fe‡bi Kvwb©‡m GgbwK wey ̈‡Zi LyuwU‡ZI| evmv ˆZixi DcKi‡Yi ZvwjKv Kiv KwVb, bvbv ai‡Yi Kzov‡bv ev Pzwi K‡i Avbv cÖ‡qvRbxq- AcÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbl w‡q A‡MvQv‡jv evmv
evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|


Photo © Foridi Numan

Birds of the Sundarban I 219

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