Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Ashy Drongo
Binomial Name: Dicrurus leucophaeus
The Ashy Drongo is a common migratory insect-hunting bird of Bangladesh. In winter, theyare often seen singly or in pairs in deciduous forests, evergreen forests, or mangrove forests
in some parts of Bangladesh. Sitting on the branches of forest trees, they search for preyin the surrounding vegetation and fly to catch and eat the prey. The diet consists of flying
insects and small reptiles. Ashy Drongo, like other Drongo, is rough in behavior. When itcomes to its area, it chases away even big birds. Breeding season is from April to June. At
this time, they make a nest with lichen leaves and grass in the main habitat and lay eggs.

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e‡m Pviw‡Ki Dw™¢‡ wkKvi LyuR‡Z v‡K Ges
D‡o wM‡q wkKvi a‡i †L‡q †d‡j| Lv̈ZvwjKvq Av‡Q DošÍ KxUcZ½ I †QvU mixm„ c| Ab ̈ wd‡O‡i
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eo cvwL‡KI avIqv K‡i Zvwo‡q †`q| cÖRbb †gŠmyg
GwcÖj †
‡K Ryb gvm| Gmgq g~j Avev‡m Mv‡Qi Wv‡j
jvB‡Kb cvZv, Nv‡mi evmv evbvq|

(^226) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo courtesy : JJ Harrison/

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